• A1 Winter 2025 - Applications open - Apply now

Wedge Capital

Richard Ng

With a sharp focus on overlooked and underestimated talent, Richard is here to disrupt the old boys' club that is the VC world. But why is he the perfect fit for the role? Richard's unique perspective as a second-generation immigrant and a queer person of color gives him a competitive edge. He's walked a path less traveled and knows the value of having doors opened by those who believe in your potential. Now, he's committed to doing the same for others.

About Wedge Capital.

Wedge Capital isn't just a fund; it's a statement. Richard's backing 50 companies with a fixed ticket size of £50,000, targeting angel and pre-seed rounds. He's looking for founders who dare to see the world differently, in a world mostly constructed by and for wealthy white men. But it's not just about identity labels; it's about drive and character. Richard values founders who make things happen, who attack exciting markets and figure things out along the way. He's not interested in over-intellectualized pre-seed investing; he wants builders, not spreadsheet enthusiasts.

His journey to becoming a first-time fund manager is a success story for access initiatives like Included VC and Ada Ventures Angel. He's been part of these programs, and now he's blazing a new trail. What's truly audacious about Richard? He's not just a fund manager; he's a full-time startup founder too. Ambitious? Absolutely. But in the venture game, ambition is the name of the game. His startup, Greenworkx, aims to get 10 million people into green jobs in 10 years, and he believes the two roles are synergistic.

Richard Ng is not just striving to be a unicorn; he's on a mission to be an "anti-unicorn," smashing barriers and opening doors for others. His fund, Wedge Capital, isn't just about investing; it's about rewriting the rules of the VC game and reshaping the future of entrepreneurship. Richard Ng is a force to be reckoned with, and his journey is just beginning.

a1 Winter 2025 - applications open

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a1 Winter 2025 - applications open

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a1 Winter 2025 - applications open

Jan 2025

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